To change the data type of ICMP echo data, click here. To see a list of hosts from MacTCP's Hosts file, click here. This area shows the session information. Show only summary information. To see only summary information, click here. Show information about every ICMP Echo packet. To see information about every ICMP packet, click here. Send ICMP Echoes continuously. To send ICMP echoes continuously, click here. Enter number of ticks here. (1 Tick = 1/60th of a second). Enter number of ICMP Echoes here. Send fixed number of ICMP Echo packets. Click here to send fixed number of ICMP Echo packets. Enter ICMP Echo data packet size here. Enter packet data here Enter Name or IP address of the host to be pinged here. Ping session is not in progress, click Start Ping to start the session. To stop ping session, click here. Ping session is in progress, click Stop Ping to stop the session. To start ping session, click here.